How to blog teach, write, make art:
- Wonder at something.
- Invite others to wonder with you.
How to blog teach, write, make art:
[…] as with most things that interest me, I like to observe and learn from others. Today, I learned a tasty little something about blogging from Austin Kleon (officially my first favorite personal blogger) and others’ […]
[…] – This blog/site is just inspiring and so well put together I couldn’t help myself. Here is a direct link to the post that got me hooked “How to Blog” […]
[…] HOW TO BLOG Simple and so true. […]
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I vote “yes”! Sounds like a great way to get people thinking and talking.
My first reaction was that it was an interesting but shallow summary. But the more I’m thought about it, the more it seems to include everything I do at Frozen Toothpaste. That said, my other blogs don’t quite fit the description. So, I guess that means you can mark me down as “sort of yes.”
A corrolary to “be passionate about what you write and others will be too”…
Laura: right on
David: Shallow! I’m offended! (j/k: “Stuff White People Like #101 – Being Offended”
Derik: You’re right
And because THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES, I came across Russell Davies’ “How To Be Interesting” today. Same message: be interested in something, and share it with others.
Hope you enjoyed your Jimmy John’s.
I always enjoy Jimmy Johns — #6 vegetarian, please.
Damn. You’re totally right, it’s that easy. I need to get on that wondering thing with a bit more consistancy…
side note – at a south by southwest breakout I went to this year, another HR Blogger (Penelope Trunk, said that one of the best ways to get noticed as a blogger (and thus hired as a professional blogger) is to comment on other people’s blogs…sort of a step 3 – ask others what they think about your wonderings (yes or no?)and back to step one – wonder about their answers…
Somewhere there’s a Raymond Carver quote about writing as just being able to look at a jar of jam on the kitchen table as the sun is coming up and just wondering at it.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a jar of jam, maybe an ashtray or something.
Will find the quote — think it might be in FIRES
don’t want to be too negative, so ideally YES – of course!
Isn’t that what we do as little children? Questions we as parents don’t know the answer to……
I adore Jimmy Johns Veg #6. All their neon big talk don’t lie.
Is that a T shirt? Simply, yes, though reminded of the comedy sketches where someone is staring up at nothing at all while, lemming-like, passers-by join in the staring.
I think you’re on to something.
Here’s how Merlin Mann puts it: