Don’t wait until you know who you are and what you’re about to start making things.
Last December, there was a video of Rainn Wilson (the actor who plays Dwight on the office) going around of him talking about “creative block” and how to get over it. His advice:
If you don’t know who you are or what you’re about or what you believe in it’s really pretty impossible to be creative.
If I waited to know “who I was” or “what I was about” before I started “being creative”, well, I’d still be sitting around trying to figure myself out instead of making things.
In my experience, it’s in the act of making things that we figure out who we are. And often, the best work comes when we have absolutely no idea what we’re doing.
So yeah, if you’re having trouble, go take a walk, or find some new materials, but don’t linger over what it all means. Start playing.