Don’t know how it happened, but I was going through my archives recently and found these index cards from Mirah‘s gig at Domy Books here in Austin during SXSW 2009. I had a lot of fun at that show, and a lot of fun drawing there. These drawings make me happy.
Our Visual Note-Taking 101 panel made the cut for the first batch of 2010 SXSW programming!
Here’s the description:
Ever since Leonardo put pen to paper, visual note-taking has been a route to improve the quality of your thinking, make information more memorable, and make your ideas easier to share with others. Learn practical techniques and “tricks of the trade” from modern visual note-taking masters: how to write, sketch, and diagram ideas live, in real time, as you hear them.
The lineup isn’t finalized yet, but I’m hoping that Sunni Brown, Dave Gray, and Mike Rohde will all be able to sit on it. Read about our previous work together on the topic.
Thanks so much to everyone who voted!
Other panels I’m interested in seeing: Dan Roam‘s “Blah Blah Blah: Why Words Won’t Work” and Casey Caplowe from GOOD Magazine on “Interactive Infographics.”
Please do me a huge favor and head over to the SXSW Panel Picker site to vote for a SXSW panel on visual note-taking that will include me, Sunni Brown, Dave Gray, and Mike Rohde. Here’s the description:
Ever since Leonardo put pen to paper, visual note-taking has been a route to improve the quality of your thinking, make information more memorable, and make your ideas easier to share with others. Learn practical techniques and “tricks of the trade” from modern visual note-taking masters: how to write, sketch, and diagram ideas live, in real time, as you hear them.
Even if you’re not planning on going to SXSW this year, if you’ve enjoyed my mind maps, my SXSW visual notes, or drawing tutorials, please head over to the SXSW site, put in a vote, and leave a comment!
Thanks so much!
SXSW 2009 is over, and I am exhausted. Below are some of my highlights. Go to my SXSW 2009 Flickr Set to see more drawings.
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This was simply the best thing I saw at SXSW. A couple of brothers (really nice guys, too) made a documentary about their small town in Ohio. Check it out.
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The Future of Visual Storytelling is Interactive (Or is it?) panel
Somebody get @philstuart to post his diagrams of interactive story structure (see the flow-chart-ish part of the drawing), b/c they are freaking brilliant!
Phil finally uploaded the diagrams!
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Shift Happens: Moving from Words to Pictures
I had the good fortune to spend time with everyone on this panel at SXSW, and they’re all great, smart people. @sunnibrown @davegray @danroam @leelefever @thcrawford
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RIP! A Remix Manifesto
Documentary about copyright and Greg Gillis (aka Girl Talk). Great stuff.
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From the director of Helvetica.
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From Blog To Book Deal: How-To
Certainly the most animated panel I went to. And I finally got to chat with Hugh Macleod a bit beforehand.
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Thanks to @marquessaid for this photo of me in action:
See more drawings in my SXSW 2009 Flickr Set, including a caricature of Richard Linklayter, a cartoon of waiting in line, some drawings of Mirah during her awesome Domy Books set, and some special Indexed cards Jessica Hagy drew me!
Read more of my SXSW-related posts on the tumblelog.
Like this stuff? Be sure to check out Mike Rohde’s sketchnotes and Sunni Brown’s live keynote drawings.
I was too lazy and disorganized to make business cards for SXSW* this year, so instead I’ll be carrying a Sharpie and a stack of index cards. If you see me, say hi, and I’ll doodle you something.
*I’ll be at interactive, film, and music this year. Follow me on Twitter for updates.
**PS Yes, this is basically Jessica Hagy and Hugh MacLeod‘s territory. So what? Plenty o’ room.