This is poem 11 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Flickr user Narrot, who’s been posting some blackout poems of his/her own!
This is poem 11 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Flickr user Narrot, who’s been posting some blackout poems of his/her own!
This is poem 10 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Erin Maeve—she blogged about poems last week. Here’s hoping you get some time to sit down and try a blackout poem soon, Erin!
This is poem 9 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
This one was all set and ready to go in the book, but just didn’t fit in. So it goes.
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes out to the blog Even Pretty Girls Need To Read. Glad you dug “What Seems Simple“!
This is poem 8 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
There’s nothing especially remarkable about this poem, except for the fact that I did it live in front of a camera. Because I don’t keep track of time while I’m making them, I never really know how long these things usually take—but this one took about 17 minutes, which I think was more of a result of nerves in front of the camera than any poetic ingenuity.
Here’s the making in 224 frames:
And here’s a time-lapse video:
Making a newspaper blackout poem (time-lapse video) from Austin Kleon on Vimeo.
Just a little experiment. Hope you enjoy it.
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Drew Myron, who took a stab at his her (sorry, Drew!) own blackout poem. Rock on, Drew!
This is poem 7 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Elle Kay—she saw me on Texas Country Reporter and remembered seeing me making blackout poems on the UT Campus bus. Thanks, Elle!
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