Spent the weekend travelling to Cincinnati and Oxford, planning for our wedding. If you’ve never been cake tasting, I highly recommend it. Just pretend you’re having a wedding, set up an appointment at a bakery, show up, and cake is brought out to you to taste! For free! Bring as many people as you can fit in the car! Make it a party!
We brought my mom with us. Mom and I used to have great trips down to Oxford when she was driving me to school. We started this weird tradition of always listening to Bob Dylan (and playing “Oxford Town” on the way up the hill to Miami). For this trip, we had 14 episodes of Bob’s radio show to listen to. He’s done a theme show on weddings, which was appropriate.
“While we’re on the subject of marriage, here’s what Minnie Pearl had to say about it: ‘Gettin’ married’s a lot like gettin’ into a tub of hot water. After you get used to it, it ain’t so hot.’ Rodney Dangerfield had this to say: ‘My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met.’ “
He also quoted Groucho Marx: “Marriage is a wonderful institution…but who wants to live in an institution?”
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Other things: I got some time on my old piano, trying out some arrangements of our wedding music. Which reminds me, I’m really looking forward to seeing the Ditty Bops live. They’re keeping up this cool blog about their bicycle tour, complete with a comic strip!
Since working on a graphic novel, I’ve been listening to a ridiculous amount of music. Right now, I’m listening to Everclear’s old one, SPARKLE AND FADE. What happened to these guys? Somebody should re-record “Santa Monica” as a country song. It’s a great tune for the apocalypse: “We can live beside the ocean / leave the fire behind / swim out past the breakers / watch the world die.”
Have I ever told you about my theory that all great bands should make a country album? Everclear would be one of them. The Shins would be another.
I don’t know about Love. Poor old Arthur Lee died this weekend. Meghan used to listen to Calexico’s version of “Alone Again Or” over and over on the way home from work. If you go to YouTube, you can see them on TV doing my favorite song, “A Message To Pretty.”
Something I forgot to post up at the top as a great read: Re: A Guide To Reproduction, a free PDF file by Jordan Crane and some other folks that tells you everything you need to know about xeroxing, silkscreening, scanning line art, and scamming Kinko’s. It’s really something else. Go to your library and print the sucker out for free.
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On top of all this, I forgot to mention that we had to hit up a family reunion on Sunday. I had a few family members come up to me and say, “Oh, I saw your website!” And I said, “Cool!” And they said,” Yeah! I didn’t understand a word of it, but it looked pretty neat!”
So if you’re family, hello.
Tomorrow I’m going to post about a little treasure I found at my Mom’s house…