When I was growing up, my parents would occasionally mark my height on the wall with my name and the date in pencil. One day I was drawing chalk outlines with my kids in the driveway and I dreamed up this art project that I wish I’d have thought to start when they were babies.
- A few days after a baby is born, lay them down on the largest piece of paper you can find (you could also try to find a gigantic piece of canvas) and trace their outline. Write their name and the date somewhere along the outline. Roll or fold up the paper and save it somewhere you’ll remember.
- On their 1st birthday, get the paper out and position their head where their baby head was and trace them again. You may need to tape more paper to the original piece. You can use a different color crayon or marker this time. Mark the date. Put the paper away.
- Repeat the process for each birthday they get, until they stop growing. Then hang the piece in an art gallery.
If you have babies or small children, feel free to steal this idea and send me pictures of the results!