After 23 years, I finally own a Nintendo. By sheer dumb luck yesterday, I checked and saw that there were Wiis in stock 5 miles from where I work. Drove right over after work, got the second to last in stock. Brought it home, and the wife and I played Wii sports for the rest of the night. (I would post a YouTube video of her boxing, but I think she might divorce me…)
Review: believe the hype. It’s sleek, intuitive, and amazingly fun. Worth every penny so far. (And we don’t even have Zelda yet.)
Add to that, the remote feels totally revolutionary. The closer we move towards touch and motion, and the further we move away from keyboard and mice, the better computer interfaces are going to get. Check out this unbelievable video of a multi-touch driven computer screen, posted by Peter Durand. The future, people.
And let’s not forget the importance of play. “It’s through playing that children learn, among other things, skills essential to thriving in and protecting democratic society — critical thinking, initiative, problem solving and empathy.”
Thank God we’ve found a diversion from February in Mordor — err, Cleveland. Because it’s coming…
I have access to a wii, too. after trying it, the only thing I could think to say was “holy sh*t, it works!”
yeah, it’s really kind of amazing that it doesn’t just completely suck. but it totally doesn’t
Love my wii. I’m constantly amazed at how well it responds to my movements. If you pick up WarioWare, you will only continue to be amazed at how intuitive it is.
Do you have a pic of your mii yet?
no…i better take one!