When you discover a new-to-you piece of culture that you want to investigate, say, a new artist or a TV show, it can be hard to know where to start.
Most of us jump on Wikipedia and go from there, but these days I like to head over to Twitter.
When you discover a new-to-you piece of culture that you want to investigate, say, a new artist or a TV show, it can be hard to know where to start.
Most of us jump on Wikipedia and go from there, but these days I like to head over to Twitter.
See also: “I Am So Over The Rainbow“
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I broke down and bought an Iphone yesterday.
Like any tool, first you get it, then you figure out what to do with it.
If you follow me on Twitter, you saw the following 3 images today, all taken real-time with the Iphone camera and posted online with Twitpic (#1, #2, #3) while I was making the poem.
When does the poem become the poem? When you make that first connection? (Here, it was linking “dead. Now what?” and “Wichita” and then finding “ding” in “including”.) When it’s completely blacked out, “set in stone”? What about leaving behind evidence that could point to other, better poems? Does seeing the process kill the magic?
All questions that popped in my head. Also: what else could we do with this?
What about crowd-sourcing? What if I got stuck on a poem, took a picture of the article, and asked Twitter what my next step should be? Who would the poem belong to?
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