David Gutowski and Jami Attenberg put together this cool little event at Bookpeople, noon on Saturday of SXSW. Jami, Bill Cotter, and Stephen Elliott read and Alina Simone sang some songs. There were munchies and mimosas. It was a good time, and I was really sorry David couldn’t be there. Next year!
PS. Speaking of Bookpeople, mark your calendars: we’re having our Newspaper Blackout release party there on April 13th!
Man, this was such a cool, chill party. I sat up in the balcony at Klub Krucial dead center and drank ice water that the nice dude next to me kept bringing me when he’d go to buy whiskey. I liked all the bands, but I LOVED The Golden Filter and really liked Dum Dum Girls. Thanks, Gorilla Vs. Bear!
UPDATE: Cameron Cantu took this cool pic of me drawing during The Mantles’ set. Thanks, Cameron!
On Monday, I did my first-ever booksigning at the SXSW bookstore. My awesome publisher had copies shipped hot off the press to SXSW, for sale a whole month before the release date. People who picked it up at the conference officially owned it before anyone else…including me!
I’d never actually seen the final book before –I haven’t received my author copies yet, so I didn’t get to do the whole un-boxing-your-author-copies-at-home thing — the first time I saw the book, Adam Norwood tweeted that he’d seen it, so after a panel I rushed over to the bookstore to see it stacked next to Laura Dern (not a bad first impression):
I must say, I was not 100% about the book cover until I saw it in person. It looks really great, it has a matte finish, and feels real nice in your hands.
Here I am gesticulating to somebody. Loved getting to chat with all the folks that came up to by a copy. The added bonus was that everybody had their SXSW badge on, so spelling names was no problem…
After things wound down, I signed the rest of the copies:
Last I checked, there were only about ten or so left, so I’m hoping we sell out over the rest of the week.
Hope to have more pics up of the book soon. Thanks to my shutterbug wife, Meg, for all the awesome pictures. You can see a few more on Flickr.
In the meantime, be sure to get your pre-order in!
My SXSW sketching bag…ready to go. See my drawings from last year.
SXSW starts Friday. If you’re in town for the conference, here’s where you can find me:.
- Sunday, March 14 @ 11:00PM, I’ll be doing 10-minute mentor sessions with folks on blogging and publicity. You can sign up here.
- Monday, March 15 @ 3:30PM, Visual Note-Taking 101 – this is my panel with my friends Dave Gray, Mike Rohde, and Sunni Brown. You should NOT miss this, as we have a really special surprise for people who show up. Really special. Something you can take with you…
- At 5:50PM, on Monday,
barring any postal disastersI’ll be doing my first ever signing of Newspaper Blackout at the SXSW bookstore! That’s right: come get the book before it’s in stores! Super-pumped about this.(Note: might not show up on the bookstore schedule, since we’re shipping them last-minute.)
- Tuesday, March 16 @3:00 PM, I’m interviewing Ian Albinson & Alex Ulloa of The Art of The Title for Studio SX
- At 9:00PM on Tuesday I’ll be part of a panel over at Stagira Studios on the relationship between art and money, with my friends John T. Unger and Hugh MacLeod.
Phew! Of course, I’ll be roaming around, hitting up a ton of panels, films, and music acts. (I have a platinum badge this year.)
You can see my schedules online (although I’ve resorted to planning on sticky notes):
If you want to meet up, @reply me on Twitter (@austinkleon). I’ll also be trying out these GoWalla and FourSquare thingies…I’ll be carrying around a bunch of cool postcards for the book, so come find me.
If you have a tip for something I just have to see, or you want to invite me to a party, leave it in the comments!
And of course, if you’re not going to the festival, follow me on Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr: thanks to the magic iPhone, I’ll be posting photos of my notes and drawings throughout the week.