This is poem 15 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month.
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Laura Thomas for her really nice post about me and the poems. Go say hi to her on twitter!
This is poem 15 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month.
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Laura Thomas for her really nice post about me and the poems. Go say hi to her on twitter!
This is poem 14 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month.
I thought this poem looked kind of familiar, so I dug in the archives and found a similar unfinished poem (and finished it):
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Wim Lockefeer for his continued support. Please go visit his awesome blog, The Ephemerist!
This is poem 13 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month.
I’ve been sick this week, so this is small, and a day late. I’ll make up for it with TWO SHOUT-OUTS! to the blogs Build It Again and Pentakappa for posting about the poems—thanks, y’all!
This is poem 12 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia—they ran a feature on blackout poems today. Greek to me!
This is poem 11 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Flickr user Narrot, who’s been posting some blackout poems of his/her own!
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