Check out the Newspaper Blackout Tumblr where I’m posting advice and answering questions about making your own blackout poems.
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Check out the Newspaper Blackout Tumblr where I’m posting advice and answering questions about making your own blackout poems.
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[ Watch a high-quality HD version on Vimeo ]
I was invited to draw TEDxAustin this weekend. I was skeptical about an event that was so secretive about its contents beforehand, but it far exceeded my expectations. It was well-planned, well-executed, and had a stellar lineup of speakers. I bumped into lots of great people and had some good conversations. Kudos to the team, and thanks to my buddy Sunni Brown for the invite!
The theme of the day was “Play Big,” so I decided to do something special: I drew the background stage and the studio in my sketchbook, then drew the speakers on sticky notes. I wasn’t sure what I was going to with all the drawings, and then the idea of making a video popped into my head. The video was shot with my Aiptek HD camcorder and cobbled together in QuickTime Pro on my slow-as-molasses Mac Mini. Watch the results. (Be sure to click HD!)
Favorites? As someone who hates answering the question, “What do you do?,” Steven Tomlinson’s talk about keeping all your interests in play really hit home. I also loved Carrie Contey’s talk on the power of the pause. John Philip Santos had some terrific images in his talk on genealogical genetics. Both the musical acts, Ruby Jane and John Pointer, were really impressive.
If written notes are your thing, John Lebkowsky has some great ones.
Here’s a photo that Shane Guiter took of me during a break (annotations mine):
See scans of all the sticky note drawings after the jump or on Flickr.
My poem, “Summer In Texas,” was recently featured in The Lifted Brow, a biannual journal in Australia. I got my contributor copy yesterday, and it’s a really nice book — full of good writers, artists, and musicians (it comes with 2 CDs.) Check it out.
Tonight I’ll be giving a slideshow about Newspaper Blackout as part of Austin Pecha Kucha night #7. Sneak preview of my slides, above.
PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.
At the last Austin event, they had hundreds and hundreds of people, and I heard they even had to turn some folks away, but tonight It’s gonna be in a big empty retail space at 416 W. Cesar Chavez, so everyone should be able to get in. The doors open at 7:30pm, presentations start at 8:20 pm. There’s beer. No cover, only donations.
Come by, listen to some cool folks talk about their work, and pick up a postcard!
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