what is the most fun / is to grab you / and find something wrong to do
In plenty of time for Valentine’s Day, here’s a new blackout print from 20×200!
what is the most fun / is to grab you / and find something wrong to do
In plenty of time for Valentine’s Day, here’s a new blackout print from 20×200!
Thanks to Nicole Frehsee for writing such a nice little piece on Newspaper Blackout in the February 2012 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine!
Christopher Hitchens said that “the great thing about writing a book is that it brings you into contact with people whose opinions you should have canvassed before you ever pressed pen to paper. They write to you. They telephone you. They give you things to read that you should have read already. [Putting out a book is] a free education that goes on for a lifetime.”
Last month I got an email from Mike at The Encyclopedia Show Austin, telling me about Censored Mother Goose Rhymes—a charming little book featured in the Ransom Center’s excellent “Banned, Burned, Seized, and Censored” exhibit.
Published in 1929 by a writer and editor named Kenneth Banning, it was dedicated to “THE CENSORS who have taught us how to read naughty meanings into harmless words” and was supposed to be a demonstration “of the effect of censorship upon anything it touches.” If I’m not mistaken, it was even passed out to congressmen in the middle of the censorship debates.
It’s a very very funny book.
Anyways, Mike asked me if I’d do something with the book, and while I almost never read my poems publicly, I think this book is even better read aloud, so, with the help of my iPhone, I read a few at the show.
5by5 | The Cocktail Napkin #53: Copying Garfield on the Kitchen Floor
To close out 2011, writer and artist Austin Kleon discusses the myriad of ways he works to end the messy divorce between words and pictures.
Here’s a 30-minute interview I did with Jeremy Fuksa of The Cocktail Napkin, talking about Newspaper Blackout, Steal Like An Artist, and doing stuff online. (You can get it as an audio podcast—thank God—so you don’t have to look at my ugly face the whole time…)
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