I promise tomorrow I’m going to post a nice pretty picture up here, but for now, The Dems won, Meg and I just finished kicking the GRE in the nuts, and it’s 60 degrees outside, so we’re going to relax and get the apartment ready for the company we’re having this weekend.
In the meantime, there’s a great article from Slate about R.E.M. versus U2. Sorry Don, but I’m on the R.E.M. side of the fence. I went through my big R.E.M. phase in high school, when I stole borrowed a copy of Reckoning from my girlfriend’s brother. I hadn’t listened to them lately until I found a mint copy of the Murmur LP at Half Price for four bucks. Ooh, did it sound good.
Other things that sound good: Exploding Hearts and this dude.