Sometimes I start a collage in my diary but then I just let it sit until it tells me what else it wants. (This one was started around Christmas.)
Hard to believe, hard to leave
I’m coming up on my last days in the office of the house we’ve been renting for the past few years. It’s so peaceful in there — I was editing a client video today, and it felt hard to believe that anything ugly was going on in the world. Very grateful for this room of my own, and even though I’m about to build a new backyard box to work in, I will miss this bliss (way)station.
Editing a client video while the world rages ???
— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) January 12, 2021
Snow day in Texas
This morning my neighborhood filled with the whoops of Texan children running out into the snow. For some of them, it might’ve been the first snow they’d ever seen in real life. (One kid exclaimed, “It’s like slo-mo rain.”) I’ve lived here for 14 years and I’ve never seen it snow like this.
I’ve lived in Austin for 14 years and I’ve never seen it snow like this. Incredible.
— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) January 10, 2021
First, I went to go check on Coconut The Owl, who didn’t look thrilled, but was hanging in there:
Then, we dug mittens and boots out of the closet and had a bonafide snowball fight. We also made a Coconut out of snow:
And now we’re inside and cozy and I plan on doing nothing for as long as possible.
Every time it snows down here I think of this line from Lonesome Dove:
How much do we tell our kids?
I have a friend who saw a Smokey The Bear “ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES” poster when she was a kid and took the emphasis literally. She said she started worrying all the time about forest fires because only SHE could prevent forest fires — it said so on the poster! She’d see a story about a forest fire on the news and cry, “It’s my fault!”
I think about that story a lot these days.
How are parents talking to young children about today, if at all?
— wendy macnaughton (@wendymac) January 7, 2021
How much do we talk to our kids about what’s going on? How much information do you give them, especially about the things they can’t control?
* * *
Last summer, the boys had drawings published in the NYTimes. I loved working on this piece, which was about how powerful making art can be in uncertain times. “Much of the art they make is their way of processing fear and anxiety about the uncontrollable terrors going on outside our house,” I wrote.
A producer at Good Morning America saw the drawings and asked if they could interview the whole family. I said no to having them on camera, but I agreed to a solo interview. We talked for 45 minutes to an hour over Zoom. We covered lots of stuff. I tried to encourage her to think of art as a way of exploring emotion as much as expressing emotion, but she kept asking me, “Aren’t you worried about your kids? Aren’t you disturbed by these drawings?” I finally, almost shouting, said, “No, no, no! I would be more worried about them if they DIDN’T draw.”
Here is the final piece, in which they turned children’s drawing into a tool of emotional surveillance:
Parents should pay extra attention to the way their kids are expressing themselves through art during these challenging times, according to a NYT story. @DebRobertsABC has more on how drawings may be revealing their COVID-19 anxieties.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) August 4, 2020
Pro tip: if you want your kids to be less anxious, don’t let them watch an hour of morning news waiting to see their drawings on TV! My boys had never seen TV news, and they couldn’t believe their eyes. “More tornados!” shouted Jules, who eventually left the room before his segment appeared.
The experience shook me, but it was a good lesson.
* * *
When I was reading old issues of John Holt’s Growing Without Schooling newsletter, I came across this piece he wrote in 1979. “Many things in the world around me seem to me ugly, wasteful, foolish, cruel, destructive, and wicked,” he begins. “How much of this should I talk to my children about?”
W.H. Auden, in his essay about Iago in The Dyer’s Hand, makes this life-changing distinction: Instead of asking yourself, “What can I know?” ask yourself, “What, at this moment, am I meant to know?”
Our boys (now 5 and 8 — age makes all the difference when you’re talking about “children” or “kids”) don’t do Zoom school and we still don’t watch news on the TV, so they have no idea, really, about what’s going on, other than what we tell them.
And we don’t tell them much.
I realize this is an enormously privileged position to be in.
“I am trying / to sell them the world,” Maggie Smith wrote in her poem, “Good Bones,” but I’m not trying to sell my kids the world, I’m trying to make them a world.
I am trying to give my kids the sanest childhood I can. I am trying to give them an experience of a safe, non-judgmental home, full of love and books and art-making, arranged so that they can spend maximum time doing things like drawing and playing and dreaming.
Because I think a good, healthy childhood is something that can’t be taken away from you. Knowing that you are safe and loved is something you can carry forward, no matter what happens.
My hope is that if my boys know what it is to be loved and cared for, to be accepted and to have agency over their attention and their efforts, they won’t go looking for identity in dumbass facist ideology peddled by pathetic men who have nothing real to contribute to the world.
“It’s easier to be a parent this morning.”
— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) November 7, 2020
They’ll start knowing how insane the world is soon enough. For now, let them play.
And if it all goes bad in the future and they have to fight over a can of beans in an abandoned grocery store, they will remember what life can be like.
That knowledge is important. It’s knowledge that artists give us: They don’t just show us what life is, they show us what it can be.
Parents can be artists, too.
100-day Practice and Suck Less Challenge
After posting my 30-day Practice and Suck Less Challenge, I came across violinist Hilary Hahn’s 100 Days of Practice project: She posts a video of her practicing for 100 days on her Instagram with the hashtag #100daysofpractice and invites others to join her. (Similar to the 100-Day Project, which is coming up Jan. 31.)
View this post on Instagram
So, if you’re feeling ambitious and want to do a 100-day challenge, I made a new free, printable poster for you:
This challenge is not just for musicians, by the way: I first discovered it on Teju Cole’s Instagram stories. He wrote:
Hilary Hahn’s back-to-basics attitude to practice resonates with what I’ve tried to do with my writing in the past year.
I’ve gone back to fundamentals. I ask myself about openings, adverbs, commas, vocabulary, line lengths, sentence fragments, rhythm, voice.
I take one element at a time and examine it until I know better what I’m doing with it. Like analyzing a golf stroke or baseline jumper.
Always beginning
Beginner’s mind.
Begin again.
A Yellow Curtain Concert to mark #Beethoven’s 250th birthday. The Adagio cantabile from his “Pathétique” Sonata. Thank you Ludwig for all the hours spent with you. Totally worth it and opened me up as a person. We need a lot of strength at the moment and you help us with that.
— Angela Hewitt (@HewittJSB) December 16, 2020
There’s something so heartening about watching masters of craft practice. Above is a video of pianist Angela Hewitt, who lost her “best friend” when movers dropped and smashed her beloved piano:
While she waited, she had to endure cancelled concerts because of the UK coronavirus lockdown, her principal residence being in London. Hewitt said she managed to stay sane by posting daily Twitter videos of herself playing easy pieces on her practice piano in her flat, and said the phone videos – some of which were viewed more than 140,000 times – provided a new way of connecting to a mass audience.
My resolution is to practice more ?
(“Auld Lang Syne” w/ Schumann intro)
— Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) January 1, 2021
Always, always — remain a student!
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