This post is now a New York Times best-selling book.
Here’s what a few folks have said about it:
- “Brilliant and real and true.”
—Rosanne Cash - “Filled with well-formed advice that applies to nearly any kind of work.”
— - “Immersing yourself in Steal Like An Artist is as fine an investment in the life of your mind as you can hope to make.”
—The Atlantic
I seriously love this. My plan for tomorrow has actually changed to accomodate more creativity and im psyched to see what i can change in my life tomorrow. one thing i would have thrown in though…appreciate every relationship you possibly can a little more than you already do. youll learn a little more about who you are and who you want to be
Everything mentioned is something people already do everyday in one way or another they just don’t stop and notice it. I don’t know if that’s a good thing. This is creative I guess, but obvious.
Expecting this article to be a casually funny remark about life in the 21st century, I really had no clue what immense impact and motivation it would have on me. I’m still recovering from shock&awe, but I really feel my life has changed today, for the better. It has so much relevance for me, after translating it to photography, that I have yet to hear the lecture that rivals it. This is going in my faves for good…
Thank you so much,
Thanks for this …
I didn’t even finish reading this blog entry before I started a blog to start collecting life advice, inspiration and creative methodology. Thanks for being the spark and the first post.
I’ll be looking for more to steal from you (like an artist, of course) and more to share with you.
Man, I needed something like this to brighten up my day! Thanks for the inspiration and the motivation!
Very inspiring! Abstract creativity put into motivational words, now I need to buy your book!
Of course someone anonymous would leave a stupid comment claiming what they” read” was stupid…they must not be here to make friends. Sad.
very clever.
Brilliant! Thanks for some beautiful truths, elegantly expressed.
PLEASE make this available as a book – I would definitely buy several copies (one for me, some for friends – it would be a great Christmas present).
Man, what a find. Stumbled across this blog post (and blog for that matter) via a cool photographer I follow on Twitter. This is definitely one of the best posts I’ve ever read on 21-century writing/creativity, etc.
I agree with so many points; getting up to speed with technology, but also not allowing technology to usurp the tangible joy out of creating, i.e. reading an actual book and the Moleskine journals!
And to the numerous people who are conflicted in some way because you don’t agree with EVERY point made in this post, that’s a trick! Anybody knows that all these number lists floating around are designed to give the reader a bunch of chances to connect with the content. The same is true with my blog. If I write “10 Ways to Save Your Creative Career” not every reader will agree will all ten tips, because not every reader will need all 10. But by providing 10, I maximize the chance that I’ll help a beginner, an amateur and someone who’s just have those curious thoughts.
Rant over. And beautiful work here, Austin. Violently beautiful.
No truer words to live past. Thank you for sharing, be assure I will have stolen this.
You’re a genius! An awesome article I read. Thank you!
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this. I started to get chills as I read it. I am so glad that someone else out there likes to write by hand and feels like computers cramp their writing style. Really, everything in this article I found to be profound, and I like that it was sweet and succinct and practical. I am not so sure that you have not just changed my life.
I am sharing this as many people as I can. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
One of the most inspiring articles I’ve ever read! Thank you for writting it, and sharing it :)
This article just got me insanely happy and inspired (after having suffered from writer’s block for several months now).
I seriously consider making a poster from it and putting it on my wall, right next to the desk.
Thank you. Just THANK YOU! :)
Hey!!! I like the way you think!!!
Wonderful stuff, Austin.
Are you familiar with the work, and life, of the late Tobias Wong?
Thank you for this rich post.
Thanks goodness you’re alive and share this awesome & inspiring worth spreading…thank you so much, sending u hugs from Indonesia!! :)
Really loved this. Thank you for the inspiration.
I love you.
just shared this with everyone in my art dept. great writing.
You are wise beyond your years. Love it!
Don’t try…just do.
This is just fun, fun, fun. Thanks a bunch!
I love your ideas. I wish I had known all these things 40 years ago. And, now I have a renewed energy for my studio. Thanks. For those of you who don’t have enough energy after your day job, I think the key is to have a day job that is relatively stress free – a 9-5 way to make money that doesn’t suck out all your energy. Then, you will have the time and the energy. Living frugally helps with this, then you don’t need a super high paying day job! This man is wise way beyond his years. Listen to him!
Thanks for writing and posting this! It’s great! And all the stuff you stole to create it is good stuff, so kudos to you for doing it!
thank you so much for posting this! now im going to smoke some weed at the art gallery and rip off your lines to my friends.
Being an artist to me means defining who you are through what you create, not waiting to find out who you are before you start. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Thank you for writing this post.
Going to echo others’ pauses at, “Get a day job.” One thing I noticed about people successful in highly competitive fields was that they couldn’t see themselves as any other way.
You cross a tightrope without a net differently than when you have the option to fall. Go for it!
Hey y’all: I figure 1000 comments is enough, don’t you? This page is getting loooooong! Feel free to holler at me on Twitter: @austinkleon