Making lithographs of a Newspaper Blackout Poem from Austin Kleon on Vimeo.
More footage from our printmaking extravaganza last weekend in San Marcos. This time, it’s Clif Riley making lithograph prints of “Visual Thinking.”
Making lithographs of a Newspaper Blackout Poem from Austin Kleon on Vimeo.
More footage from our printmaking extravaganza last weekend in San Marcos. This time, it’s Clif Riley making lithograph prints of “Visual Thinking.”
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These are so wonderful!
I really admire your work. I love that you are screen printing these, as well…your project is all about simultaneous removal and application of meaning (so printing the poems is perhaps the inverse of this?).
Love it.
I think litho was one of my favorite classes in art school. I love the big glob of goo you put on the Plexiglas to get the press to run smoothly.
I went back a few years ago and they’d gotten rid of all the traditional printmaking stuff after the litho prof retired.
@storialist thanks!
@grant i never got to take printmaking in college, or anywhere else for that matter — this was like a total crash course for me. really fantastic to see these guys work. they are perfectionists and amazing at what they do. (seeing such an awesome studio was a treat, too)
wow, i didn’t know what lithograph was. but now i know.
this is really awesome.
are you selling them? where can i get them?
@mileejnjooy we’re getting the shop / shipping supplies set up — check back here in a week or two!