Once a year, before I recycle all my old New Yorkers, I go through them with an x-acto blade. I clipped this little pie chart out of an advertisement, and cut out the labels.
It feels to me like a gag cartoon that needs finished. (A la Indexed.)
Fill in the blanks in the comments.
Time spent reading New Yorker articles.
Time spent cutting out New Yorker articles.
Big part: thinking about doing things
Little part: doing things
Little: Foetus.
Big: Not a foetus.
I wish I we could be foetus’ one more time before we die. No pro-life argument here, but foetus’ have it *sweet*.
Big: time the mainstream media talks about non-issues re: the election
Little: time the mainstream media talks about real issues re: the election
[ ] chasing ghosts
[ ] fleeing ghosts
In general, but especially the last few weeks:
[] complaints
[] blessings
Can’t no man hold me down.
I like all of these!
Here’s mine:
[ ] Things I can control.
[ ] Things I can’t.
Keep ’em coming!
I printed it out, wrote on it, filled in the blanks, scanned it, and posted it on my blog.
What Vikki did today…
Also, a prediction:
(I am suffering from a very bad case of procrastinatitis.)
I am curious to know what the blanks were originally.
Love ’em.
[] (BIG) What we can’t see and understand
[] (LITTLE) What we can
Adding to previous remark …
We can only see the segment. And then we say, “What is a circle?” There is no such thing as a circle. Show me a circle.
Just waxing philosophic.