Mazel Tov to both of you. A year already! How tempus fugits.
I followed the link to the Ted Rall piece. Whew. But I’d like to point you and everyone to a great piece in David Aptoff’s blog Illustration Art. The piece is called “steganography,” and is a brilliant critique of some contemporary comic art. Also follow the links to his earlier posts on the same topic.
Maybe you pointed us to this before. I forget now.
And — I think I know that Dairy Queen! On North Lamar, right? Why on earth there, when Ichiban, Kim Phung or Dien Hong were all nearby? I guess it was those blizzards, on a warm December day.
Mazel Tov to both of you. A year already! How tempus fugits.
I followed the link to the Ted Rall piece. Whew. But I’d like to point you and everyone to a great piece in David Aptoff’s blog Illustration Art. The piece is called “steganography,” and is a brilliant critique of some contemporary comic art. Also follow the links to his earlier posts on the same topic.
Maybe you pointed us to this before. I forget now.
Here’s the post Liza is talking about:
I poked around on Aptoff’s blog last night — I might have to post my own thoughts here soon…
You are both ADORABLE.
And — I think I know that Dairy Queen! On North Lamar, right? Why on earth there, when Ichiban, Kim Phung or Dien Hong were all nearby? I guess it was those blizzards, on a warm December day.
Nope: that’s in South Bloomfield, Ohio.