During the (still-in-progress) move, I came across these doodles that Lynda sent me as part of a letter. Everything she does inspires me to create, so I thought I’d share these.
You are here: Blog / Notes on writing and drawing / LYNDA BARRY, “JANUARY MOURNING DOVES AND SPARROWS”
Yeah, if you get a package from Lynda Barry you won’t ever want to throw any part of it away, from the stamps to the incidental wrapping material. What if everything everywhere enjoyed this level of artistic attention? Actually it’d be a ghastly existence in which nothing was ever thrown away and we all lived like deranged hermits among walls of ancient but wonderfully designed newspapers and empty mayonnaise jars of heartbreaking beauty. But since we don’t live in a world even remotely anything like that, Lynda’s stuff remains a treasure.
Nick – amen to that!
okay I’m totally jealous that you are a pen pal of lynda barry! I have loved, loved, loved her since i first ran across her work when I worked at a feminist bookstore in new haven back in the mid 1980s. the store was great although long gone, I’m sure- there were a few of us who would work one or two days/week for books. ah packages with pieces of art from lynda – what a treasure! you are a blessed boy indeed!
meeting lynda, as dramatic as it sounds, changed my life. she is a fireball of energy, a total inspiration. I thought to myself, “Holy crap, here’s this magical woman who is a writer AND artist and does them both perfectly.” A fantastic model.