Little stories with happy endings by the looks of this…
: )
Very clever.
Something similar used in nursery schools
Interesting you had 5 columns, 6 rows for what logically is a month.
In the schools it would have been 7 columns with 5 rows
Interesting to contemplate how the historic concepts about organizing our time compares with a simply functional one.
Great website. Considered, not just a bhlag.
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Little stories with happy endings by the looks of this…
: )
Very clever.
Something similar used in nursery schools
Interesting you had 5 columns, 6 rows for what logically is a month.
In the schools it would have been 7 columns with 5 rows
Interesting to contemplate how the historic concepts about organizing our time compares with a simply functional one.
Great website. Considered, not just a bhlag.