From “On Whaling,” by Anders Nilsen, from MOME, Winter 2006
Nilsen goes on to outline his automatic writing exercise:
First, you need a clock. Then: get a notebook or about 40 to 60 pages of paper. Draw one of three things, an animal, a robot, or your mom’s boyfriend. Make it very simple. Stick figures are fine. Okay, now you have 60 seconds to think of something for it to say or do. When sixty seconds is up you have to turn the page and start on the next one. The next one is the next panel, and you only have 60 seconds to draw it, so think fast. If you can’t think of something for one panel, that’s okay. It’s just a pause in the action. You change every 60 seconds for an hour. When you are done you will be surprised.”
I just reread that comic, as I’m working on a post about some of Nilsen’s work. This piece seems to provide a clue to many of the other pieces found in Mome and Monologues for the Coming Plague, automatic writing/comics.
Yeah, I’d thought that myself.
my buddy john’s attempt: