Two bits for today. First is an excerpt from the highly-recommended ESQUIRE’S THINGS A MAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MARRIAGE (which actually manages to be witty and informative at the same time):
East Indian Hindu couples are married before a small fire, into which they toss flowers, water, seeds, and fruit, which are considered the four symbols of life.
Here in the West, we have replaced this poetic custom with a larger, metaphorical fire, into which we ritually hurl great piles of currency.
Amen to that! Goodbye savings account!
Second is a fun spin on meat-eating as a reward for creativity by Dan:
For the last few years I’ve tried to force myself to write at least one page every day, which doesn’t sound like much but it’s actually pretty hard to manage. Because I’m not allowed to do a make-up day. I can’t do two pages the next day. The punishment for not completing my page is that I have to eat a vegetarian meal the next day.
A vegetarian meal as punishment! That’s true dedication to craft, friends…
Probably won’t get much posted this week, as we’re working diligently on grad school applications, trying to get them all finished before Jesus’s birthday. We also tacked up our big Wedding To-Do list on the front door (like some desperate manifesto).
Wish us luck!
What’s with this recurring anti-vegetarian bias? Something tells me your “writer” friend just might grow to love his veggie meals, making his “punishment” useless.
Not anti-vegetarian, just pro-omnivore! Kind of like if you’re pro-choice you’re not anti-life. Haha.
What!!! Pro-choice equals anti-life!!! What do you mean!!!
Where are you applying?