One of the things I love about holiday road trips is all the ridiculous stuff you see along the highway. I like to keep the digital camera up front with us, just in case we see some gold…
For the past month, there’s been a billboard over on Carnegie Ave (in between the Hot Sauce Williams BBQ and the QuikCash) that sends Meg and me into hilarious gut laughs every time we drive by:
It’s the design of this billboard that cracks me up. With the overly-bright primary colors and a baby that looks absolutely ecstatic to be alive, it has to take the prize for the cheeriest pro-life billboard ever made. But best of all is the caption: try saying it to yourself out loud. I can’t figure it out! I could understand, “What? Embryos are babies???? or “What? Embryos are babies!??? or even, “What! Embryos are Babies???? But the double exclaimation points just don’t make any sense.
The sign is by a group called Prolife Across America, whose mission is to “create an ‘Atmosphere of Life’ in a ‘culture of death.'”
They should get Lil’ John to be their spokesman: “What! Embryos are babies! Yeah!”
WHAT! capitals can be used arbitrarily in pro-life propaganda!
I particularly like the other billboards they sponsor where all babies wear a very interesting array of hats! WHAT! Babies are sailors and cops!
That was hilarious. I myself encountered a similar billboard containing a baby against a pink background with what I think were bubbles. The same double exclamation though. I happened upon this blog while looking for the people that made the ad, as I’m using it in the introduction of a research paper on embryonic stem cell research. Thanks for the help :)
I agree, it was very poorly done – sort of hurts my brain to see “what” without a question after it. . . but I agree with the intent. I’m not “pro-life” but I don’t think abortion should be elective unless the mother’s life is in danger, or in cases of rape or incest.
I honestly don’t know what to think about Stem Cell research – I will have to look more into before I can form an opinion. . .
I saw a similar billboard and thought it was in spanish. im like what does that mean?
LOL – good stuff.
Was searching for some more information regarding the image in the following link when I stumbled across your article.. fun.