My kids — 5 and 8 — are way too big for the double stroller, so a few weeks ago, my wife and I decided to start doing solo walks. I started commuting on foot from our house to the apartment we used to rent, which, until our lease runs out or somebody subleases it, is now a really expensive office.
It was terrible. I mean, the actual solo walk was okay, but it turns out that our walk together is one of the only times we actually get to speak to each other for 15 minutes without the kids interrupting us. Plus, if the conversation gets heated, at least the hot air doesn’t linger in the house.
So I’m back to pushing 100+ pounds of kid around the neighborhood. Will I be the first parent to push a teenager in a stroller? At this point, I don’t give a shit. I need our walks together more than I need to avoid humiliation.
One day they’ll be back in school again — I think? — and my wife and I can frolic around town like in the days of yore. (Or maybe they’ll get mature enough that I can leave them home with a walkie talkie.)