Sometimes the words don’t come. That’s when I make pictures. (And vice versa.)
Let’s Make Mistakes
I’ve been on my friend Mike Monteiro‘s podcast, Let’s Make Mistakes, twice now.
The first show was called “No One Destroys My Family But Me,” and we talked about being dads:
The second show was called “Church and State,” and it’s us ranting about art, design, and creativity:
I’m currently working on the forward to Mike’s forthcoming book, You’re My Favorite Client, which is the sequel to his brilliant book, Design Is A Job.
Russian translation of Show Your Work!
The Russians don’t screw around. Like they did for the Russian translation of Steal Like An Artist, Mann, Ivanov, & Ferber have turned Show Your Work! into a bigger, badder, hardback! You can get a copy here.
I hate writing. What I really love is reading. I tell people I became a professional writer so I could be a professional reader. (Adam Phillips: “I had never had any desire to be a writer. I wanted to be a reader.”)
All the books I recommended on book tour
I can’t stand being in a bookstore talking about only my own books and not the books I love.
One of my favorite things to do on the Show Your Work! tour was very quickly cruise through the bookstore before my talk and pick up five (somewhat random) books to recommend during Q&A.
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