It is 2022 and I am still frustrated every week that somehow my favorite artists and writers don’t have a simple mailing list I can subscribe to so I can know when they have a new book, article, show, etc.
Here I am, a fan who wants to read/see every single thing you put out… and you don’t have a freaking mailing list!
It doesn’t matter what platform it’s on. You don’t need to commit to a regular newsletter. Just put a box on your website that people who want to hear from you can type their email into. When you have a new thing, send it to your list.
Social media is not enough! The algorithm will screw you, eventually. You need a list of emails.
I cannot believe I’m still having to type this.
This is not complicated. This is basic punk rock show 101 write your address down on this clipboard and we’ll send you a zine stuff.
Stop making it hard for someone to be your fan.
Bare minimum, folks: a website with a box to put an email into.
End rant.
(You can sign up for my list here.)