Haven’t done one of these things in a while!
You probably read it five years ago, but I only got around to reading Daniel Pink‘s A Whole New Mind this weekend. Funny enough, I had read his cool manga-style career guide, The Adventures of Johnny Bunko, and liked that a lot. (His new book is Drive.)
He’s a good follow/fellow on Twitter: @danielpink
It looks like you stick parts onto the page. Do you do this on purpose? Do you take linear notes as you read and then create a sort of collage in the end?
just interested.
I love your work
I did this map after I finished the book. I took notes and underlined in my paperback, and then when I sat down to make the map, instead of drawing everything out in sequence, I drew everything as an element, cut it out, and played with the placement on the page until I had the final collage.
But now that you mention it, it’d be fun to take traditional linear notes and then cut them up and rearrange them into a map. Maybe I’ll do that next time!