Had some awesome seats and great weather to see the Rangers spank the Red Sox last night in Arlington, TX: Rangers 15, Boston 8. Ate a jumbo hot dog, a ton of nachos, and my first kolache at the Czech Stop in West, Texas along the way.
There’s a bunch of great stuff you see at a baseball game, so I always try to take my sketchbook and draw a little. Meg had the camera and caught me in action:
Good thinking ahead, taking things to draw with. There usually isn’t anything spectacular happening at Rangers games (though seeing them beat someone always comes as a surprise.) But seriously, did you choose to go, or did the tickets come free? Because it just seems silly to pay to go see them play. (And for the record, I grew up in Dallas, and while I’ve never followed sports – at all – I always knew enough to know that our team was far from great.)
I love baseball. I love people-watching. A baseball game with good seats and stadium food is like manna to me.
And dang, man: what fun is it to root for a team that always wins? That’s what’s beautiful about baseball: anything can happen.
Just poking fun. After four years of being surrounded by Houston sports fans, you start to get really cynical.
Tell me more about the kolache!!!!
Everybody seems to compare the kolache to a danish, but from what I tasted, it was more like a really good roll, hollowed out at the top for filling. I had 1 strawberry cream cheese and 1 apple. They were delicious. You can get sausage/cheese/jalapeno kolaches, but I’m not ready for that.
Okay, as soon as you possibly can, you need to get your hands on a jalapeño sausage and cheese kolache. They are life changing, I promise. That’s basically the only kind I eat.
Ah, time is running out for my stadium fix before the winter. The Braves’ last home games are this week.