Doodle of Mark “Baby” Cakes done during the Brad Neely Animation Showcase
She was made out of the universe’s best ingredients….When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals….I was free to love her! To show her what the inside of a poem looks like!—Mark “Baby” Cakes’ Diary #4
Went with Meg, Adam and Marsha to a showcase of local Austin, Texas cartoonist Brad Neely’s animation at the Alamo Ritz downtown last night. 90 minutes of animated hilarity ensued.
How a simple slideshow set to music and words can engross us. How such simple drawings can pull us in to such a fully-formed world! The poetry of Baby Cakes. The beautiful difference between watching videos on your computer and in a darkened theater with a live audience.
If you’re not familiar with Neely’s work, here’s some links to get you started. Get ready for raunchy genius.
- Creased Comics website
- Videos on SuperDeluxe
- Interviews with the Austinist and the Austin Chronicle
I’ll post some of my favorite videos in the comments below.
These are NSFW. Prudish folks with taste beware.
Wizard People, Dear Reader (Part One):
Watch the rest…
George Washington:
Late Date:
Bible History #1
History Lesson #1 (JFK)
Baby Cakes Diary #3
Baby Cakes Diary #4
Baby Cakes makes me want to frolic with the polycorns and load up on walking potion, and b-e aggressive.
For some reason his cadence in Diary #3 reminds me of TS Eliot’s “Murder in the Cathedral” (specifically the chorus of the women of Canterbury), which I now would really like to hear read in Baby Cake’s voice. Or maybe not.
“The Poetics of Baby Cakes” <<< thesis material