There’s only about 20 birthdays you should be allowed to celebrate. And the others? You’re wasting cake and paper….When you’re 20, you get a birthday. Any time you enter a new set of tens: 20, 30, 40, 50, you get a birthday. 21, you get an awesome birthday. And then, THAT’S IT. A birthday every ten years. “I’m 26!” Great, go to work. Who gives a s***?—Patton Oswalt on when you should get a birthday
To humble us: Things other people accomplished when they were your age.
“Oh, look honey: it’s my Citizen Kane year.”
(My wife rolls her eyes.)
To give us hope: late bloomers.
I’d like the middle path, please…and some cake!
Happy, happy birthday!
And always remember that despite the genius of Citizen Kane, Orson Welles did not die an old, happy, wealthy man. Better to bloom gradually, over time, and keep on blooming.
Love you!
Happy birthday!
(Am I really almost 2 years older than you? Weird.)
Happy Birthday!
Hey. I can smell the bloom from here!
Thanks, y’all. I had a great day.
happy belated birthday!