I prefer to think I’m just a man, not a poet part time, business man the rest….I’m no different from anyone else, just a run of the mine person. I like painting, books, poems. In my younger days I liked girls. But let’s not stress that. I have a wife.— Wallace Stevens
She said there ought to be one place you thought about and knew about and maybe longed for but never did get to see.— Alice Munro, “The Bear Came Over the Mountain”
I just doodle until I find a character; you go with the one that has a certain little spark of life….After that, I really can’t force them to do anything. They know what they want to do if they’re strong characters. And they surprise you! If they want to do something, there’s nothing I can do to stop them.—James Kochalka
At last I do not know how to draw anymore!— Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) at the end of his life
Some doodles I’ve been doing with a brush and ink.
Forgot this:
Lynda Barry on the power of the brush (via)
Austin, what is it about the Toulouse-Lautrec line that speaks to you? What’s the context for his remark?
I don’t know for sure…which is probably why I like it.
Henri Matisse mentioned it in one of his letters:
One of my co-workers ripped it off his Zen Calendar and gave it to me. I put it on the outside of my cubicle: