“To reclaim…control over one’s food, to take it back from industry and science, is no small thing: indeed, in our time cooking from scratch and growing any of your own food qualify as subversive acts.”—Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food
This was an fantastic book that deserves a better map. Oh well.
Earlier today my friend Tim asked, “What is your most naïve question?”
Mine was, “Why do we live like this?” Which, of course, is also a way of asking, “How should we live?”
I loved this book because Michael Pollan answers my question in terms of food: “Why do we eat like this?” and “How should we eat?”
The answer to the latter: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
In a lot of ways, this book reminds me of Lewis Hyde’s The Gift. In an age where food has become nothing but a commodity, something packaged and sold, it’s time to treat it like a gift. “Shake the hand of the one who feeds you,” as Pollan says.
Speaking of great writing about food, I’d like to wish Maureen McHugh a happy birthday! Check out her blog and contributions to Eat Our Brains for some exquisite culinary lit.
Had to share these other two nuggets from the book.
On gardening:
On the food industry’s manipulation of language:
Hey there Buddy.
I know I should read the book and Im all for conservationism, but I couldnt resist an initial comment. I know Austin TX isnt the worst…but watch out for those Hippie Health Nuts! You’ve got some of the finest BBQ pits out there filled with glorious piles of Brisket, Pork, Chicken, and lord knows what else but it’s gotta be delicious. I believe Carlin had some choice words for those vegetarians too.
You do great work though, bud.
Oh, my best buddy brings up a point that I would like to make clear: I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER GIVE UP MEAT!!! Eating animal flesh is one of my favorite pleasures. I live in Austin, TX. It’s near freaking impossible to be a vegetarian, and god help the folks who are.
I did a post along these lines: SHOWING PIGS, EATING PIGS, DRAWING PIGS
That said, Meg and I are eating LESS meat, and buying BETTER (and more expensive) MEAT. Organic, grass-fed flesh TASTES BETTER.
And Corey, we are due in for a trip to the SALT LICK!
Love your map. Beautiful work.