I’ve often found that the more you take away, the better your writing gets.
Let’s put it to the test: vote for your favorite in the comments.
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I like all three, but I like the last one best.
And since I didn’t comment before – I realize that I am also an ENTP. So, when you guys get to Austin, we can talk about all the projects we are dying to start (and then surreptitiously abandon).
Travel safely and I’ll see you all when you get here!
Megan C.
Another fellow ENTP!! I knew we got along well…
I like number 3 the best, too. As does Meg.
Can’t wait to get to Austin! We will celebrate!
have to say #3 for me…and yes believe it or not I too am another entp…..did I post that comment back whenever or only ‘think about doing it’?
Number 2; I reckon number 3 is just a shade too non-specific. I also like the effect of the half-line at the bottom (which I suspect I wasn’t supposed to read). :)
Margo, I hadn’t even noticed that half-line at the bottom…good eyes!