In honor of my brilliant wife who just got into graduate school, here is one of HER blackout poems:
thank you!
i love your poems so much i had to try one for myself… and i think i blacked out most of one of our new yorkers just to get this tiny little one. they’re not as easy as you make them look!
Cool! Congrats, Meg! I’d be interested to see what blackout poems different people would make from the same sampling of text. Have you read the Lethem essay in Harper’s about artistic sampling? So much of what goes on in this site, from the Martin comics to the blackout poems, seems concerned with the same issues/ideas.
B – I love that Lethem essay. I’m thinking about starting a new blog solely dedicated to blackout poems, where people can send me their own. I think it would take off…
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thank you!
i love your poems so much i had to try one for myself… and i think i blacked out most of one of our new yorkers just to get this tiny little one. they’re not as easy as you make them look!
Cool! Congrats, Meg! I’d be interested to see what blackout poems different people would make from the same sampling of text. Have you read the Lethem essay in Harper’s about artistic sampling? So much of what goes on in this site, from the Martin comics to the blackout poems, seems concerned with the same issues/ideas.
B – I love that Lethem essay. I’m thinking about starting a new blog solely dedicated to blackout poems, where people can send me their own. I think it would take off…