I was commissioned to draw the rest of the Make ‘Em Laugh PBS Series, so Sunday night I sat down and drew the last two episodes. Meg took some pictures.
Here are the finished results:
I was commissioned to draw the rest of the Make ‘Em Laugh PBS Series, so Sunday night I sat down and drew the last two episodes. Meg took some pictures.
Here are the finished results:
PBS is running a great six-episode series on the past 100 years of American comedy called MAKE ‘EM LAUGH. I did these two mind maps on the fly during the second two episodes on wiseguys and satire/parody.
Looking back over the four maps, it strikes me how many times I wrote down the word “truth.” Comedy tells the truth.
You can see my maps of the previous two episodes here.
If you want to link to all four drawings, use this link:
And see all my previous mind maps.
PBS is running a great six-episode series on the past 100 years of American comedy called MAKE ‘EM LAUGH. I did these two mind maps on the fly during the first two episodes on slapstick and groundbreakers.
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