This is poem 7 out of 30 celebrating April as National Poetry Month (Inter)national Newspaper Blackout Poetry Month!
TODAY’S SHOUT-OUT! goes to Elle Kay—she saw me on Texas Country Reporter and remembered seeing me making blackout poems on the UT Campus bus. Thanks, Elle!
yep, it has taken me until now to figure out why I was getting a whopping 12 visitors to my blog instead of the usual three (two of which include immediate family members).
Thanks for the wonderful shout-out!
Also, question- what newspapers do you prefer for the blacking out? I’m guessing the Wall Street Journal isn’t up there. I was always a fan of the Austin Chronicle’s Shot in the Dark section. I can imagine there’d be some juicy words to choose from.
Officially: whatever’s lying around.
The Lady GreyThe Gray Lady. (Although I like to DRINK Lady Grey…)