An advertisement for Lexus in the Friday, November 14, 2008 Wall Street Journal, W12. Ad agency unknown. Thanks to Linda Ball for the heads up, Derik Badman for the image.
So dude, where’s my car?
An advertisement for Lexus in the Friday, November 14, 2008 Wall Street Journal, W12. Ad agency unknown. Thanks to Linda Ball for the heads up, Derik Badman for the image.
So dude, where’s my car?
[…] last time an ad agency tried its hand at a blackout poem, it was for a Lexus ad. Today’s ad agency blackout poem comes from Microsoft, on page four of the Marketplace […]
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“So dude, where’s my car?”
You’re name is Austin not Ashton.
The interwebs say that Team One has been doing the Lexus “Power of H” campaign. (Flash warning!) I wonder where it all began…